
I want to speak to someone about my order

Sure thing! Visit our Contact Us page, where you’ll find options for reaching us by e-mail or by phone.

Can I change my delivery date or address after I placed an order?

Unfortunately, for security reasons we’re unable to change your delivery address to a different one after an order is placed, you can request to cancel order and place new after that.

My order hasn't arrived yet. Where is it?

Check your email inbox, you should receive email with your order tracking number.

Do you deliver on publick holidays?

Delivery 5 days a week Monday - Friday (excluding public holidays and bank holidays)

What if the item I want is out of stock?

Please contact us to confirm the availability of this product in the future.

What’s the warranty period for the items?

There are different warranty coverages for professional and DIY equipment; please check the product description.